The Mystical Night of Siva
May you remove all the blocks that hinder you so you rise up to your highest vibration, tuning yourself to the immense power of the universe to receive its grace.
May the pure ascetic in you arise from the ashes of all external frills and clutter that you surround yourself with.
May you be purified tonight taking you back to your inherent austerity and simplicity that has no binding.
May you be reminded and rejuvenated by the cosmic dance in you through vast mysteries of time and space held together by a tiny speck of matter called you.
May you stay alert to the questioner and the witness in you so you may transcend the duality around and go beyond the games of Maya.
May you be thankful for the energy that springs in you, and the matter that you are and to which you shall return once your energy transforms.
May the mystical night of Shiva, the Mahakala be upon you.
- SS
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