The cup of Aliveness ...

I realise that I am at this beautiful phase where I have nothing to get away from, escape, need a change from, no demons to fight, mountains to conquer, guilt to overcome, or regrets to deal with. I am at peace with unresolved situations, questions, people or opportunities. I have a healthy curiosity of what is to come, and an intense peace with what is. Who I am. What the world is. I am actively invested in the world, others but not to the point where they overwhelm.
Most people regret missing the roads not taken, but when you have taken most roads and detours, and also many types of journeys, you know that where you have reached is a powerful place in your life. Unconnected to money, position, companions or even place.
It is simply the beautiful realisation that you hold a rather large cup of aliveness within you, and it has taken you to many places, people, journeys and destinations and now you have a better understanding about the cup of aliveness you hold, and a better understanding of the capacity of life you can pour to another. When you look around, you realise that many are running around with empty, emptying or dry cups. And, you realise that gratitude is nothing but realising that after all the lives led, the cup of aliveness, joy and a deep connection to life within and around you is still so high, rich and satisfying. That what one has left is still enough and more not just for the years left but for a few more lifetimes. And, that is how you know how to understand who you are. And, what the universe has gifted you. The ability to stay drunk on aliveness. The art of savouring everything, big and small. Everyone you meet can only add their bit to it or take away what you choose to pour. But, finally you also understand the size and the nature of aliveness you have. That your cup of aliveness is yours and yours alone. And, everyone you meet is holding a different cup of aliveness, and also holding it differently. What is in it and their awareness of it. And, you pour mindfully.
Aliveness is magic.
Hope others add to your day, and hope you enjoy being you regardless. And, hey, hold that cup of aliveness in awe ... It holds everything.
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