Taking Care

When you gave me yourself, I kept you safe.
I told you how the part of you that you left behind was doing even after we parted. Was nurtured. Kept sacred. I made it a point to let you know how safe you are with me. And, how precious.
You never told me what you are doing with the part of me you took with you. How you were taking care of it. Whether it was precious to you or lying unattended. Dulled and ignored. And, when I ask you if you are fine, I am also asking you, that part of me that is with you ... Is it doing fine ?
I know how much I keep things safe. And, nice. I am not worried about you. The parts of you that I have with me. Because, I know me.
It is you who I do not trust. For, you have never asked me how I am. If I am fine. It also means that you are indifferent to the parts of you that I have. Of, what I do with it. Or, maybe you know they are safe with me. It is you that you are nervous about. Your own ability to nurture the precious parts of me that you took with you.
You never ask me if I am ok. Because, you know I will be. I need to. In order to take care of the parts of you that I own, I need to take care of the whole of me.
You will never tell me if you are okay. Because you know that you are guilty of not nurturing the parts of me that you own. And, they are but parts of your whole. So, you will never be fully okay until you lovingly embrace the parts of me that you took with you. Only, when you have, can you tell me that you are okay, meet me in the eye to ask ... If I am ok.
Because, you know that I take better care of you that you left behind with me than you have with the parts of me you took along with you.
I feel angry and violated by how you are treating the me in you. That is a completely new feeling. My demand that you treat the parts of me in you right.
- SS
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