Shine or Scar ?
Some people can only see your scars even when you are shining your brightest light bravely, amidst all odds. Some people can only see your shine even when you show them all your scars. It is a blessing and the greatest of privilege to be seen and remembered as a special character in another person's stories and memories. And, there are those who make you feel special in your own story. The magic or chemistry or spark between any two humans, even family, parents, siblings, partners is this ... How do you feature in their story ? What character are you ? Scarred or shining ? And, how do they see you in your own story ? Do they see your scars or shine ?
The most special people in my life remain are those who say ... Scars, what scars ? All I can see is your bloody shine. That does not mean they see me as perfect. But, that they richly treasure my totality and it is precious to them. And, they trust me with their precious sacred selves too. Those I have allowed myself to be most hurt by are those who could only see the scars, not the warrior behind them, all they can see is the losses not the battle and all they can see is stupid undying optimism even after life has kicked you down many times over. All they can see is your scars, the aspect that reminds them of your ordinariness. They take the wind off your sails, they strip the magic off from memories, they make all the moments mediocre until you are special no more - not in their stories, memories, or retelling. If you make them special, they will take it but in return all you would get is your scars. Those are not your people. Ever. Don't waste all your best years convincing their shine to those who refuse to see beyond their scars. They are not your people either. And, you can never convince someone of their shine. You can only remind them about it, reflect it back to them. Shining is not a choice. It is an inner truth of being.
Now, shine. Regardless. Make memories, regardless. Don't spend a lifetime explaining your shine to those who see and talk and remind you of your scars. Go where all they can see, talk about and remember is your bloody shine.
- SS
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