Manifestation and Alignment

It hit me. You cannot manifest for others even if you love them a lot. You can only manifest for yourself. You can draw them into your life. You can present yourself in theirs. Their presence or absence in your life or your presence or absence in other lives is dependent on their manifestations and it's strength of you in theirs. And, their own work and the stage of practice they are on.
You can only work on keeping your manifestation strong and consistent through focus and alignment. What sticks ... Sticks. What falls ... Falls away. If we want anything really bad ... We need to hold onto our manifestation at a strength higher than another person's mixed or inconsistent signals of themselves or us. You have to have the strength to manifest for both, keep it strong for both until the other can match up to an equally strong resonance. This is what is called keeping the faith. One can never force manifestations or their strength to remain between any two people. It will happen only when both feed it so the combined signal remains strong. If one person feeds it and other is continously dropping out, it will not align. If both take turns turns at dropping out too, it will not stay aligned. The collective strength of manifestation of each in the other has to be strong enough to go past the noise and signal losses for it become a powerful co-creation and reality.
We cannot control or even manipulate another person's manifestation. Nor its consistency. And, if we waver or wobble when they do along with them, we are still not strong in our vision but choosing to blame external factors to our internal inconsistency. Owning up that gap in ourselves is being truthful. The practice is to go back to the gap and work on filling it from within. Any doubt in any aspect in self or the other is to doubt the process or source. Both which are indifferent to our wavering. But leaves us feeling like we are forced to start all over again. We are the ones most affected by our own wavering. And, angry that others do not help us reduce our inconsistencies. But the truth is that it is not their work.
The only work there ever is ... Is to understand what we are manifesting by intent and awareness, what we are manifesting through poorly understood ask from source, how we are pulled or answering to other people's manifestations of us and how to stay consistent and aligned and with source. It is hard work.
It is the only real work there is. If we stay true and committed to our powers of manifestation, we can create anything. Summon anything. The smallest seed of doubt is enough to require restarting all over again. Though one can restart from a different level.
Doing the work is humbling. Fascinating. Like an inner game. But slowly, you start comprehending that you are getting a little better at it every day, with every failure and getting back to practice again without any loss of energy or commitment. You start studying and observing your own progress with awe and interest. And, joy.
- SS
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