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I am listening to the highest version of you. Listening to the truth of you that shines bright that I see so easily. The you that needs no words, actions or explanations to be seen and loved whole. I am listening to the beautiful soul I can feel so clear. I am listening with all of me. 

You are talking to me from your hurt, broken outer self. From the puny version you think you are. Arguing for your limitations to me who see none. From the diminished version of you that you think is you. From the flaws you think you have. You are fighting hard for this version of you fighting with me to forgive you for being this way. That I accept this version of you. 

You are fighting for crumbs when I am honouring the whole. You even hate me for refusing to compromise. 

Love this puny self now and I will grow to my full self you say. You are already your full self, fooled into limitation by your tiny self, I say. You want me to love you beyond this broken version to get to the truth in you. You do not understand that I have already done that. I already know and love and see the truth in you. I am already connected to the energies of the master in you. But here you are pleading with the energies of the slave in you. 

I refuse to see anything but the highest in you. Even when you cannot. Even when you have lost sight of it. Even when you are yet to see yourself like that. You want me to listen and validate your puny self. I want you to validate your highest self. To break this deadlock. This impossible dance that isn't taking off. 

Tell me now, Who is listening ? who is not ?

- SS 

Photo courtesy: MEUM MARE

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