Happiness. That's it.

What do you do ?
It means so many things. This question. It means what do you do for your living. How do you earn your bread? What did you study? What is your lifestyle? Your priorities ? Your time? Your joys? Your ambition ? Your drive ? Your experience? Your legacy? Your status? Your idea of power, position, security ...
So many things lie behind that supposedly simple question - What do you do ?
It is a politer way of asking Who are you ...
If you asked me that question a few years ago, months ago even ... I would have given you so many answers. What I have done over the years. What I do now. What I would like to do going forward. What it took ...
I have only one simple answer now.
Be happy.
That's what I do.
That's it.
I squeeze happiness out of every moment now, whether I am doing something, doing nothing, being alone, being with someone, in a group, amidst nature, gardening, cooking, writing, working, ideating, strategising, chilling, dreaming, being silent. At home. At work. Using my brains. Feeling my soul. Connecting to my emotions. To energies. People.
It doesn't really matter. What it is.
I do happiness. That's it.
I finally know that this is the destination. It has nothing to do with anyone, anything. Not even me.
Just this. Existential, pure happiness.
Everything can add to it. Nothing can be removed from it.
I do happiness. That's it.
This is what I do. What I plan to do till the end. Everything will work it's way around it. Purpose. Action. It is not my job to iron that which isn't happiness.
My job on this earth is to stay put and do happiness till my last breath and flavour the privilege of being born as me and honour that. In everything. Nothing is of higher or lower significance. No one is either.
Do happiness. That's it.
You waste an entire life to get to this. Perhaps, it has to go through so much to get here. The beautiful part is, it no longer mattes what it took to get here.
It is beautiful to have the privilege to get here and stay here till the end.
So, what do I do ?
Happiness. That's it.
- SS
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