Every moment of life ...

We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us, this thing called life. Or, may be there is another way - to squeeze every ounce of life and aliveness out of it and savour it out. My choice is to savour the heck out of it out. Through a million ways and nuances. Loudly. Quietly. Silently. Privately. Publicly. With myself. With others. Every moment and out of everything. Through work. Through play. Through action. Through stillness. Through words. Through Visuals. Through touch. Through connection. Through expression. Through Celebration. Through memory. Through reliving. Through invention. Through unlearning and learning. Through just being. Then it wouldn't really matter when the Universe decides my journey here is done, for I would have squeezed and savoured life till the previous moment, and drunk it's flavour of that minute in its unique fullness and my fill.
- SS
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