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Coming home in each other

You understood that journeying towards me, towards us could only happen by you journeying towards yourself. Within yourself. Journeying on the road you feared to take. It led you to you, and you found me there. I had been trying to give you directions for ever, and you always thought I spoke in riddles. 

The long journey home was within your own self, past the dark alleys, the bright spots, the many twists and turns. And, when you finally reached home, you found that you had lit your own light by the porch, for your own wandering self to come home to. And, when you were finally home, you found me there. Waiting. I had made myself at home within you. But it wasn't really a riddle. For, only if you found your way home within you, could you find me there, waiting. And, within me ? You found a home long back. I just had started out a little ahead of you, too many twists and turns, but battered and bruised had found me within my own home. Warmed myself by my own fire. Made myself at home, within my own home. And, left loads of space for you to walk into. A space that only you could fit into. But the key to my home meant you needed to first come home to yourself. And, make sure you find your key. Create a warm fire. And, a space for me. And, all we needed to then do, was exchange our keys, and wander between the homes we finally had. Me walking into yours, and you mine. For there was a space for both of us, in both our homes and instead of wandering all our lives searching to feel a home in places, people and experiences we could simply curl up within our own home within only to find the other there, or walk into each other's homes because we have a place for each other there.

Yes, my love. I can wait forever for you to come home to yourself. I am already home. And, there is a place for you here, waiting for you. But ... It will all click into place, only when you reach home within yourself. Unravel your own map. Your own path. All I can do is wait. In ease. Joy. And, love.

I am home. And, soon you will be too.

- SS

Pc: Pexels

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