
True growth comes in trying to reach our highest potential while creating or nurturing enviornments that help each one reach their highest potential. Lighting each other up creates a brighter space. For all.
Inclusivity is allowing each one the space, the pace and the environment to reach their highest potential without fear, shame or pressure.
Never in the known history of humankind has the opportunity to create a mutually inclusive and fostering global society presented itself as it has now. Never has the opportunity to create plenty for all, information for all, abundance for all presented itself like now. The opportunity to stay connected as one big global community that can unite. We are in one of the most powerful period of potential change for the highest good. The collective journeys of all of us have brought us to this point of potential in history.
We got this if we just keep in mind, not to lower ourselves with regard to another or push someone down in order to raise. That scramble is all the chaos of the world. The fear of being left out. This othering has to stop. We have to bring civilised and sacred which is at the root of all mutual appreciation back to the centrestage.
Never lower your own dignity, self respect or principles to raise others higher or putting them more important than you. Irrespective of your age, experience, gender, economic status or religion, you owe the highest respect and selfcare in maintaining and nurturing what is your natural right to thrive. Don't underplay or dull your shine in order to raise another. Ever. We lose everything by lowering ourself.
Never lower another's dignity, self respect or principles to raise yourself higher by putting yourself more important than the other. Irrespective of your power, age, experience, gender, economic advantage or religion. Your growth at the cost of pushing someone down is not a victory or claim to success. Don't steal another's light because you fear it shines better or longer than yours. Ever. We gain nothing by lowering another.
We have come far to reach this moment of highest potential for the highest good for all. All it needs is that tiny shift in our perspective to realise we are in possible abundance and not scarcity and there is no need to scramble at all.
How can each one of us stay mindful of this abundance? How can we stay mindful of this immense moment of opportunity for humankind? How can we foster inclusivity? How can we bring the unnecessary scramble to cease?
How can we carry this through this day as it begins?
- SS
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